Granite Floor Cleaning Services
Before and after granite floor polishing and cleaning
Our granite floor cleaning services are perfect if you’re looking for granite floor maintenance to get your granite flooring or tiles clean and shining like before.
By default, our granite floor cleaning services include granite floor polishing in 2 separate options.
Namely, wet granite floor polishing or dry granite floor polishing.
*If you’re looking for sweeping services, vacuuming services, or mopping services to be carried out on your granite flooring or tiles, kindly check out our general floor cleaning services
Wet Granite Floor Polishing
Cleaning granite floor tiles and flooring can be done using the wet granite floor polishing method – a 3 steps granite floor cleaning service
The first step in the wet granite floor polishing method involves drizzling a liquid polishing compound over the surface of the granite flooring or tile.
The second step in wet granite floor polishing depends on the square footage of the area that requires granite floor cleaning, a granite floor cleaning scrubber machine or granite floor cleaning hand-held power tool(s) may be used.
The second step in wet granite floor polishing involves buffing the floor with said granite floor polishing scrubber machine or granite floor cleaning tool(s) with varying pressure until tough stains are gone and the granite flooring or tile begins to shine.
The last step in our wet granite polishing methodology involves using a duo motor, wet and dry vacuum to suck up all the dirt residue and debris left over from the previous wet granite floor polishing step.
With the wet granite floor polishing methodology, the entire granite floor cleaning service tends to be faster. However, you would not expect the shine to be brighter than if a dry granite floor polishing option is adopted!
Dry Granite floor polishing
Polishing granite stone floor with hand held power tool
Compared to wet granite floor polishing, the dry granite floor polishing methodology is a granite floor cleaning service that will produce the brightest shine possible and prolong the duration of your next granite floor maintenance service.
The dry granite floor polishing service also has 3 steps with the first step being different.
In the first step, a proprietary granite floor polishing powder is sprinkled on the granite flooring or tile instead of the wet granite floor polishing compound.
This proprietary granite floor polishing powder contains fine granite floor polishing sediments that will sand the surface of the granite flooring or tile when water is added periodically to the sprinkled powder and a granite floor cleaning scrubber or hand tool(s) runs over.
Cleaning granite tiles and flooring by sanding off stained surfaces will allow granite floorings and tiles to look brand new when done.
Granite floor cleaning by sanding the surface requires knowledge of the types of granite flooring. For e.g. the hardness of the granite flooring required for granite floor cleaning.
The wrong amount of water mixed in with the granite floor polishing powder or the application of too much pressure too soon using the granite floor cleaning scrubber or hand tool(s)will lead to scratching instead of cleaning granite tiles.
As such, we send in our most experienced granite floor cleaners when dry granite floor polishing is requested as a granite floor cleaning service.
Granite Floor Cleaning Service Prices
With strong know-how in both wet granite floor polishing services and dry granite floor polishing services, we promise results you achieved from cleaning granite tiles and flooring with us will never be more satisfying.
Contact us to enquire more about granite floor cleaning!